Ultra Cleanse over – Diary of a Detox
The Ultra Cleanse part of my Detox is over and following on from my first post here and then the first three days here the next days Tuesday – Thursday were to prove to be a little testing as my body started to adjust.
What is an Ultra Cleanse?
Before I start telling you about the last three days what is an Ultra Cleanse,
The Ultra Cleanse is a harmonious union of natural cleansing protocols and the latest proven technologies to dramatically increase wellness, vitality and energy levels. This program consistently delivers phenomenal results, and is credited by past participants with being the foundation of the healing process for all manner of disease and chronic conditions.
It’s probably better for you to look at the Atmanjai Website where you will find all the information.
The Last Three Days.
Each day it was the same routine, 7:00 AM start with a Psyllium Shake and apple cider vinegar with a little honey, followed by an hour of Yoga and then the first of the days’ supplements. Colema, massage, supplements, other treatments such as Ion Cleanse, Ultrasonic Zapper Magnesium Bath, supplements and the second Colema of the day, more supplements and finally a hot broth at 6 pm.
Before bed two more supplements, Probiotic and Cod Liver Oil and into bed around 9:30
The Ultra Cleanse is the way to go when you’re ready and I feel it is important to make it YOUR time and turn off and have a digital holiday as well.
Tuesday was a real tough Yoga day for me and most of the day feeling pretty crap, clearly the cleansing and removing the toxins was taking its toll.
I had a new experience on Tuesday involving the placing of vacuumed cups on my back to draw toxins out, you may have seen the round marks left on Olympic Champion Mark Phelps. I recommend to try this, slightly uncomfortable but definitely results were felt.
Wednesday and now feeling a lot better after a great night’s sleep, into the daily routine and I couldn’t believe the number of the Atmanjai staff that enquired how I was that morning, something I have to complement the management on as I witnessed this attentive service on other guests as the week unfolded.
Wednesday’s Yoga session with full time Yoga instructor was the best yet, I would describe it as more of a meditative yoga with total focus on relaxing and breathing, (Yoga isn’t just for girls).
Thursday arrives and now starting to feel so much better and with the knowledge that Friday I would be going back to the Eat Well.
Each day there are new arrivals and others finishing their treatments, today the Philippines, USA and Abu Dhabi joined us and we said good bye to a few others.
So good bye Ultra Cleanse Hello Eat Well, I will be back with you after Friday to finish the last installment of My Diary Of A Detox.
Sunset Sounds Show is sponsored by Friendship Beach and Atmanjai.