Christmas Day in Phuket, what about the weather?
Christmas Day in Phuket is bright, with blue skies and sunny. A day fun-filled with family and friends.
And the forecast for Christmas Day in Phuket?
Cool overnight temperatures at 27C and set to hit early 30’s mid-day. No rain today and just a fantastic Christmas day.
Hardly any wind today at 3 – 5 knots, what breeze there is coming from the North East this morning, flat calm seas means no surfing but plenty of swimming.
Christmas Day in Phuket
The festive season is celebrated by all the nationalities and Thai’s join in, Christmas Decoration, decorated trees and shops all have the festive buzz. The streets get more of a buzz about them and the holiday period gets under full swing leading to the New Year.
The high season truly kicks in during December.
Phuket Air Quality back in the yellow and moderate area at 8 AM says 55 on the scale.
On average, December waves goodbye to the monsoon and the average rainfall drops from the highs of the past few months. The temperature maintains a balmy and pleasant 30 degrees during the day, with a low of around 23 degrees and a high of 31 degrees.
The best bit about December is that with the rains, the humidity drops as well. The average humidity drops from around 90% in October to a much more comfortable 70% in December.
Three weeks into the month and you can definitely sense a change in the air.
The sun appears for longer during the day and the raincoats and umbrellas are being put away. This month you can expect an average of 8 hours of sunshine in Phuket. This means you’ll be able to enjoy the whole day out, relaxing, exploring or socializing.
High and Low Tide information.
High tides for today at 14:10 and 02:00 Sunday morning, Low Tides at 08:00 and next one at 20:05.
Stay on top of the local weather, news and what’s happening in and around Phuket on the Breakfast Show, Monday to Friday mornings from 7.00 am.
Check out our favourite Phuket hotels and beach clubs and start planning your holiday!
The Christmas weekend overview and outlook. The 7-day forecast is below. Just click the day you want to know about. If you want to know about the weather for January 2022 we have just updated the data.
There is also a 30-day outlook updated throughout the current month forecast.