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Language Recognition Technology

Language Recognition Technology: There are around 7,000 languages spoken on the planet today and many of these are at risk of being lost to future generations if they are not used and kept alive. But in New Zealand, remote sensor technology and a powerful algorithm are helping save the iconic flightless bird, the Kiwi. Now, this same homegrown technology is being used to preserve New Zealand’s indigenous language – Maori. Simon Morton from Radio New Zealand speaks to Ed Abraham from Dragonfly Science to find out how it works and the implications it could have on indigenous languages.

Radio Technology: We report from Salford on the connected car and what it means for radio and why personalization is the next big thing in hybrid radio.

Update in September 2019.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today that it has
developed what the company believes to be the world’s first technology capable of highly accurate multilingual
speech recognition without being informed which language is being spoken.

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