Below you can find the Phuket Tide Tables 2023
Phuket Tide Tables 2023 the latest Wind and weather predictions check out our live radar and the complete Phuket Weather Forecast.
The Phuket Tide Tables do not tell you about rip tides and undercurrents. So if you are thinking of visiting one of the fabulous Phuket Beaches, please take care.
- Check with your hotel regarding Phuket Weather.
- Ask the lifeguards about sea conditions.
- Take note of the beach flags. RED means no Swimming.
- Read about rip tides and learn how to discover them.
Treat Sea Conditions with Respect.
Locals and visitors should notice the Sea and Weather conditions, forecasts and data available when venturing out on the water. Phuket Island is in the tropics and, as such, has two distinct seasons with tropical weather patterns. Because of this, sometimes the sea conditions are not what they may seem.
There is an excellent article on Rip Tides from WikiHow that we would urge you to read.
Phuket FM Radio and its partner event Phuket Raceweek are committed to supporting up-to-date Phuket Weather, Tide, and Sea Conditions, wind and air quality, and general monthly Phuket weather outlook and updates.
This is our window on Phuket Tides.
The Phuket Tide Tables for January through to December 2023 are here, every month for the rest of the year.
The dates and times of the high and low tides at Phuket, Thailand.
If you would like to download any of the months, each month is available as a PDF download below.
Select the relevant tab to obtain the tide charts for that month, the current month is highlighted.

Phuket Tides Table 2022 – at Koh Taphao Noi, Latt: 7° 49′ 54′ North, Long: 98° 25′ 30″ East. This tide table information contains hourly tide predictions at the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. The heights shown on the tide tables are at the beginning of the hour above the lowest low water.
Predicted heights of water in meters above the lowest low water. Just click the month you are looking for.
Time: The time used in this tide table is Thailand Standard Time 7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time at Greenwich.
Heights and Datum: The Heights of water predicted in metres for each station are referred to the above chart datum of the Thai nautical charts.
Variation of the sea level: Changes in the wind direction and the barometric conditions are the causes of variation in sea level. With onshore wind or a low barometric pressure heights of both high and low waters will usually be higher than those of the predicted levels, while offshore wind or high barometric pressure will cause them to be lower.
Relation of the tide to current: Upon using the tide tables, please bear in mind that the given times and heights of water are not related to the change in current direction or slack water. On the open coast, there is usually a slight difference between the time of high or low water and the beginning time of changing in the current direction, whereas in narrow channels or rivers, the difference may be considerable.
Type of tide: There are three types of tides in Thai waters, the diurnal, the semidiurnal, and the mixed type. It should be noted that there is a marked difference in the characteristics of the tide at each locality in the Thai waters. The tide of Bangkok bar is a mixed type, Laem Sing is a regular diurnal, Pattani is a semidiurnal no with inequality and Phuket is a regular semidiurnal.
Further information concerning tide is available at the Hydrographic Department, 222 Rimthangrodfaikao Rd. Bangkok Metropolitan 10260 telephone 02475 7024.
Phuket Island Radio Co Ltd accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of this information, and it is offered as a guide only. Users are urged to double-check conditions before setting to sea.
Stay up to date with all the latest Phuket Weather and Phuket Tide Tables 2023 information by tuning into Phuket Island radio throughout the day and especially during the Breakfast Show every half hour Monday to Friday.
You can read about the October and November Weather Forecast for Phuket and here’s a look back at the 2022 Phuket Raceweek Regatta.
Enjoy the sailing if you are in Phuket.