Mobile Radio Apps – Have you got yours?
Mobile Radio Apps at Phuket Island Radio is at the forefront of broadcast technology not just in Phuket. However, throughout the world there are literally thousands of apps to choose from. Here at Phuket Island Radio, we understand the importance of Radio Apps and that the future of radio is online.
Over 30,000 downloads of our iPhone/IPad and now the revised series 4.0 version of the Phuket Island Radio iPhone/IPad app is available online from the iTunes store and guess what? It’s absolutely FREE! Get it here now.
With our mobile Radio Apps, for both Google Play/Android and iPhone/Ipad, you can take Phuket Island Radio with you wherever you go.
Some interesting facts about Mobile Radio Apps
- Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at 51% compared to desktop (42%)
- The explosion in smartphone adoption is changing how listeners consume radio (PWC)
- Share of radio listening time via online and apps in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1st quarter 2011 to 2nd quarter 2016
- The rapid growth in advertising revenue is making Internet radio a large advertising market & a critical element of overall radio ad market (Xapp Media)
Share of Mobile App Category Time Spent
Source: Statistica
- As recounted in the 2015 Internet Trends Report. The average adult spent 5.6 hours a day on the Internet in 2015. Furthermore, of that total, 2.8 hours was spent on a mobile device. A significant increase from 2010, when an average of just 0.4 hours a day was spent on the Internet via mobile device.
- 87% of Millennial smartphone owners stated that their phone never leaves their side, day or night.
95% of Internet Radio Listening is on Mobile
Now if you’re an advertiser, or have your own business, this has to be pretty exciting right?
Phuket Island Radio Mobile Radio Apps
Phuket Island Radio listeners can tune in from anywhere in the world via our Radio Apps and stay updated on Phuket News, Weather, and What’s On.
Your business has incredible reach when you advertise with Phuket Island Radio. Why not find out more about advertising with Phuket Island Radio.
Or just enjoy the 24/7 music and entertainment and download our Radio Apps today.
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