Self-driving cars, is Thailand Ready?
We are asking Is Thailand ready for self-driving cars after the new UNECE regulations?
This programme is available NOW OnDemand at the Digital Planet Page and is available now until Wednesday the 27th of July. It will also be broadcast on Sunday the 24th of July in Phuket on 91.5 FM and 102.5 FM and Online via the Internet radio portals.
A recent amendment to regulation by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will extend automated driving technology to 130 km/h.
The regulation, which will come into effect in January 2023, will set the standard for car manufacturers to develop so-called “level 3” autonomous vehicles.
Gareth speaks to Francois Guichard, who is leading UN regulations on vehicle automation, about what “level 3” really means, and when we will see these types of cars on the road.
Also, Prof Jack Stilgoe tells us about self-driving technology’s potential issues and implications.
Self-driving cars, in Thailand?
Autonomous Driving is termed by the industry as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Will we see it in Thailand any time soon, regretfully probably not despite the government’s good intentions?
An update in January 2023 we are reading about Self Driving cars in 2023 and potential greenhouse gas emissions and self-driving cars in 2023, do you have a view? What is the environmental impact?
Mobile innovation
Robbed of mobile innovation In many cities globally, urban robberies have become a familiar occurrence, so much so that many people have started to develop their own strategies to mitigate losing their mobile phones.
In São Paulo, some leave their phones at home or take a second throw-away phone that they can give away instead, but there are more technological solutions as well.
Expert contributor Angelica Mari tells us more and shares why this is affecting the adoption of mobile phone innovation, in particular fintech.
Crypto adoption during Argentina’s inflation crisis In Argentina, rising inflation has become a growing issue.
Economy minister Martin Guzman resigned earlier this month, and annual inflation is set to hit above 70%. In light of the peso’s instability, some Argentines are deciding to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Is this a safer bet?
Could crypto adoption affect Argentina’s economy? Our reporter Lucía Cholakian has been finding out more.
Gareth Mitchell presents Digital Planet the programme with expert commentary from Angelica Mari. Studio Manager: Duncan Hannant Producer: Florian Bohr
(Image: Auto driving system and technology. Credit: show999 / iStock / Getty Images Plus)