Phuket Weather in June
The Phuket weather in June should see the sweltering heat from April and May give way to more clement weather.
What to expect during June in Phuket
How hot is it in June?
![Phuket Weather in June temperature chart](
During June expect the temperature to average 28 °C on most days with daily highs around 32°C throughout the month and exceeding 34°C on some days or dropping below 30°C. Daily low temperatures are around 25°C and may fall to 24°C or exceed 28°C in only once in ten days.
Phuket Weather in June and the day lengths are expected to be constant throughout the month of June as they are for most of the year. The shortest sunlight day of the month with 12:34 hours of daylight; the longest day is 12:37 hours of daylight. As you can see each day is very similar in length given June has the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
Sunrise is expected between 6:08 AM and 06:13 AM as the month progresses. The sunsets can be expected between 6:41 PM and 6:48 PM. You will note there is only a few-minute difference throughout June.
Phuket FM Radio is offering monthly weather updates and also will be managing the live rain and wind forecasts and Phuket Tide tables there is a full-page explaining how weather radar works and the methods used to monitor Phuket Weather Radar in order to offer a complete weather update.
Phuket weather in June and Humidity
With so much, wet weather around humidity can be very high for a number of days. Humidity usually drops after a storm or squall has run through.
![Phuket Weather in June Relative Humidity chart](
The relative humidity typically ranges from 65% (mildly humid) to 96% (very humid) over the course of a typical June, rarely dropping below 55% (mildly humid) and reaching as high as 100% (very humid).
Wind and the Phuket weather in June vary A LOT.
Over the course of June, typical wind speeds vary from calm to moderate breeze.
The wind is most often out of the west and can present some great sailing, kiteboarding and windsurfing.
Going out on the Water? Take extra care as conditions can and do change very quickly. A full sea condition and local Phuket weather station update are here which include local tide tables.
![Phuket Tidetables](
Except for heavy occasional showers, the weather should be comfortable to hang out on the beach, although sailing and water sports need extra care due to the heavier easterly seas and winds. Just check the live Phuket weather radar if you planning an excursion out on the water.
The median cloud cover is expected to be 89% (mostly cloudy) and does not vary significantly over the course of the month.
![Phuket Weather in June median daily cloud cover](
How Rainy is it in June?
The average probability that some form of rain will fall on a given day is 64%, with little variation over the course of the month.
Throughout June, the most common forms of precipitation are moderate rain, thunderstorms, and light rain.
Moderate rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 45% of those days with rain. Rain is most likely around June 30th, when it is observed during 31% of all days.
Thunderstorms are the most severe weather observed during June with 34% of the days likely to get some heavy storms. The Phuket weather in June and the rain pattern is that you can expect rain. That is some sort on most days or nights as the wet or “green” season gets underway. Our charts give some statistical and historic information.
You can find daily Phuket weather updates on-air at 91.5 and 102.5 FM and online using any of the mobile apps which are all FREE
Is it worth going to Thailand in June?
The answer is yes. As you will see above, less rain than in May and July, and of course June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. Hotels are cheaper, and many tour bargains are to be had.